
Your Holistic Earth Inc.

This Disclaimer, along with the Terms of Use <<imbed link>> and Privacy Policy, <<imbed link>> governs your access to and use of the Your Holistic Earth Site including any content, functionality and services offered on or through www.yourholisticearth.ca (the “Site”), whether as a Practitioner or a User. The Site is owned and operated by Your Holistic Earth Inc., (“Company,” “we,” or “us”).

Please read the Disclaimer carefully before using the Site. By using the Site, you expressly agree to be bound by this Disclaimer. Further, by using the Site, or by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms of Service<<imbed link>> (the “Terms”) and the Privacy Policy<<imbed link>> (the “Privacy Policy”) when this option is made available to you, you additionally accept and agree to be bound by the Disclaimer. If you do not want to agree to the Terms or the Privacy Policy you must not access or use the Site. If you do not agree to the Disclaimer, STOP now, and do not access or use the Site.

For Educational and Informational Purposes Only.

The Site and Your Holistic Earth Inc. are intended to serve as a resource and are for educational and informational purposes only. The Company does not endorse the content or accuracy of any listing or profile page related to any Practitioner, or external website. 

The Company is not responsible and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind, arising out of the use, reference to, or reliance on, any information or business listed throughout our site.

While information is updated periodically, no guarantee is given that the details provided are correct, complete or up-to-date.

It is the Practitioner(s) responsibility to notify the Company when their status, information, or point of contact has changed or modifications to their profile pages are necessary.

Not Medical, Health, or Religious Advice.

We are not, nor are we holding ourselves out to be a doctor/physician, nurse, health practitioner, wellness practitioner, paramedical service provider, or any other medical professional (“Medical Provider”), massage therapist, physiotherapist, wellness doctor, instructor, holistic wellness provider, holistic health provider, psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counselor, or social worker (“Health Services Provider”), registered dietician or licensed nutritionist, or member of the clergy.  We are not providing health care, medical or nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical, mental or emotional issue, disease or condition. The information provided in or through the Site pertaining to your health or any other aspect of your life is not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by your own Medical Provider or Health Services Provider. You agree and acknowledge that we are not providing medical advice, health advice, or religious advice in any way. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider and/or Health Services Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health or any medications, herbs or supplements you are currently taking and before implementing any recommendations or suggestions from the Site. Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you have read on the Site. Do not start or stop taking any medications without speaking to your own Medical Provider or Health Services Provider. If you have or suspect that you have a medical or health problem, contact your own Medical Provider or Health Services Provider promptly. The information contained on this Site has not been evaluated by Health Canada, the Food and Drug Administration, and other international regulatory health bodies. 

Not Legal, or Financial Advice.

We are not an attorney, accountant or financial advisor, nor are we holding ourselves out to be. The information contained in the Site is not intended to be a substitute for legal or financial advice that can be provided by your own attorney, accountant, and/or financial advisor. Although care has been taken in preparing the information provided to you, we cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions, and we accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage you may incur. Always seek financial and/or legal counsel relating to your specific circumstances as needed for any and all questions and concerns you now have, or may have in the future. You agree that the information on our Site is not legal or financial advice.

Personal Responsibility.

You, as a Practitioner, aim to accurately represent the information provided to us on or through the Site. You acknowledge that you are participating voluntarily in using the Site and that you are solely and personally responsible for your choices, actions and results, now and in the future. You accept full responsibility for the consequences of your use, or non-use, of any information provided on or through the Site, and you agree to use your own judgment and due diligence before implementing any idea, suggestion or recommendation from the Site to your life, family or business.

No Guarantees.

 Our role is to support and assist you in profiling your business, but your success depends primarily on your own effort and investment. We cannot predict and we do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, and you accept and understand to the same. Each Practitioner(s) and User(s) results depend on his or her unique background, competency, specialty, needs, desires, motivation, actions, and numerous other factors. You fully agree that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results you can expect from using the information you receive on or through the Site.

 Assumption of Risk.

As with all situations, there are sometimes unknown individual risks and circumstances that can arise during use of the Site that cannot be foreseen that can influence or reduce results. You understand that any mention of any suggestion or recommendation on or through our Site is to be taken at your own risk, with no liability on our part, recognizing that there is a rare chance that illness, injury or even death could result, and you agree to assume all risks. 

Limitation of Liability.

By using the Site, you agree to absolve us of any liability or loss that you or any other person may incur from use of the information, products or materials that you request or receive through or on the Site. You agree that we will not be liable to you, or to any other individual, company or entity, for any type of damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental, equitable or consequential loss or damages, for use of or reliance on the Site. You agree that we do not assume liability for accidents, delays, injuries, harm, loss, damage, death, lost profits, personal or business interruptions, misapplication of information, physical or mental disease or condition or issue, or any other type of loss or damage due to any act or default by us or anyone acting as our agent, consultant, affiliate, joint venture partner, employee, shareholder, director, staff, team member, or anyone otherwise affiliated with us, who is engaged in delivering content on or through the Site.

Errors and Omissions.

Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information shared on or through this Site, the information may inadvertently contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. You agree that we are not responsible for the views, opinions, or accuracy of facts referenced on or through the Site, or of those of any other individual or company affiliated with us in any way. Because scientific, technology and business practices are constantly evolving, you agree that We are not responsible for the accuracy of our Site, or for any errors or omissions that may occur.

No Endorsement.

References or links in the Site to the information, opinions, advice, programs, products or services of any other individual, business or entity does not constitute our formal endorsement. We are merely sharing information for informational purposes. We are not responsible for the website content, blogs, e-mails, videos, social media, programs, products and/or services of any other person, business or entity that may be linked or referenced in the Site. Conversely, should our Site link appear in any other individual’s, business’s or entity’s website, program, product or services, it does not constitute our formal endorsement of them, their business or their website either.